Serve at Trinity
help serve our congregation

Boards & Groups
Leadership Council
Purpose: “To act as the chief governing Council of the congregation and to act in all matters pertaining to the legal and general welfare of the congregation, except those reserved for the Voters’ Assembly.”
This board generally meets once a month. They are responsible for church governance.
Board of Elders
Purpose: “To oversee the spiritual life of the congregation and its individual members.”
This board meets once a month. They oversee all spiritual life at Trinity Lutheran Church. They are responsible for serving as support during church services, assisting with communion distribution, calling pastors/church workers to Trinity, connecting with the members of the church through visitation, planning, coordinating, and hosting activities that develop spiritual life and community.
There is one open seat!
Board of Christian Education
Purpose: “You shall assist the ministry staff in offering and managing an on-going Christ-centered religious education for all ages for members as well as for prospective members.”
This board generally meets once a month. They oversee all Christian Education at Trinity Lutheran Church. They are responsible for calling teachers and the principal to Trinity Lutheran School, overseeing Sunday School, and Vacation Bible School.
There is one open seat!
Board of Outreach
Purpose: “To encourage all members to give an enthusiastic witness to the one saving Gospel and to oversee and encourage all activities related to Outreach and Missions.”
This board generally meets once a month. They plan, coordinate, and host activities to support the congregation and community at large. They are responsible for the Welcome Center, Sent to Serve week, Christmas caroling, gift baskets to shut-ins, etc.
There are three open seats!
Board of Stewardship
Purpose: “To promote a culture of generosity based upon a Biblical stewardship of time, treasure, and talent among the congregation”
This board generally meets once a month. They plan, coordinate, and host fundraisers and functions. They are responsible for the Joyful Response Electronic Giving Program, fundraisers such as, but not limited to: Souper Bowl Sunday, Friends of Trinity, etc.
There is one open seat!
Board of Trustees
Purpose: “To provide for maintenance and upkeep of all buildings and real property and to act as legal representatives for Trinity Lutheran Church and School.”
This board generally meets once a month. They oversee the maintenance of all church property including St. John’s Iosco - Trinity Lutheran Cemetery. They are responsible for performing or hiring out for repair work as needed, coordinating work days, snow removal, and landscaping.
There are two open seats!

Worship Service
Altar Guild:
This group serves the congregation by assisting the Pastors and Elders in preparing for worship services. Altar Guild members take turns preparing the altar area before services by changing paraments, placing flowers, refilling candles, and preparing and setting up communion.
Church Music:
Choir, Praise Team, Praise Band, Proclaim and Treble Clef Choirs. Soloists and special music are always welcome! We are also looking for string or wind instrumentalists to accompany the organ during Saturday 6:30pm and Sunday 8:00am services.
Volunteers needed to run powerpoint during the church services. No prior experience necessary!
Financial Secretary:
Count weekly offerings.
Office Support:
Volunteers needed on occasion to assemble newsletters, cut communion cards, cover phones while the Office Director is away, and other various tasks.

Welcome Center:
Volunteers are needed for baking cookies and serving on Sunday mornings by preparing coffee, refilling cookies, and greeting guests.
Community Food Shelf:
This group is comprised of volunteers from the churches in the community. See facebook page for dates/times.
Dorcas Society:
Dorcas Society is a women’s group and LWML chapter. Their mission is to assist each woman in affirming her relationship with the Triune God that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world. This group meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm for a meal, Bible Study, and meeting.
Funerals Committee:
This group prepares and serves food for the many that gather.
Wedding Planner:
Help coordinate wedding services with the church and couple.
Visiting Shut-Ins:
Complement visits from the pastors to those who are unable to get to church. May include transportation to church services.
Snow Removal, Landscaping, Working with the Board of Trustees.